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The 7 Chakras in Yoga and Tantra

The practices of yoga affect not only the body and the mind, but also the subtle energetic body. The energetic body permeates the whole physical body. Yoga acknowledges that energy is obtained from the breath, food, water and the universe itself as well as from the burning of food.

In yoga we call this energy ‘prana’, in Chinese medicine it is referred to as ‘chi’. Within the energetic or pranic body there are said to be 72,000 pathways of subtle energy (prana). These paths or channels of energy are called nadis. The nadis are not the nerve pathways; they are more subtle in nature. The nadis have major junction points along the spine where they intersect, and at these junctions we find chakras.

Chakras are defined as wheels of energy

Situated along the spine are six major chakras. Each chakra controls the circulation and distribution of prana throughout the body and also acts like a switch turning on different parts of the brain. Each chakra governs a particular region of the body corresponding to a nerve plexus, specific endocrine glands and a sense organ. Chakras also have a psychic symbology and they have a psychological aspect contributing to the expression of our personality

Chakra locations:

1. Mooladhara – situated at the perineum in males and at the top of the cervix in females

2. Swadhisthana – situated at the coccyx

3. Manipura – situated directly behind the navel centre

4. Anahata – situated in between the shoulder blades, behind the sternum

5. Vishuddhi – at the back of the neck, behind the throat pit

6. Ajna – situated at the midbrain, behind the eyebrow centrer

In addition to the six chakras, there are also higher centers in the brain, often referred to in Kundalini Yoga:

• Bindu – at the top back of the head

• Sahasrara  –  at the crown of the head.

We have chosen to profile the six chakras from Mooladhara to Ajna as these are the most tangible and also the most commonly referred to chakras.

Each chakra also has a trigger point, a corresponding area of the body through which the chakra can be accessed. These trigger points are called kshetrams and are located in the front of the body. Many people find it easier to feel the trigger points of the chakras. When we concentrate on the trigger point a sensation passes through to the chakra and then travels up to the brain.

Kshetram or trigger point locations:

• Mooladhara  –  doesn’t have a trigger point

• Swadhisthana  –  at the level of the pubic bone

• Manipura  –  at the navel centre

• Anahata – at the centre of the chest

• Vishuddhi – at the pit of the throat

• Ajna – at the eyebrow centre.

Physically, each chakra corresponds to:

• a particular region of the body

• a major nerve plexus

• specific endocrine glands

• a sense organ.

In the yoga tradition some chakra meditations utilise visualisation. The chakras are visualized as and symbolized by lotus flowers. The lotus flower symbolizes human growth from low states of awareness to higher states of consciousness. The culmination of growth is a beautiful lotus flower.

On a psychic and symbolic level, each chakra has 5 components:

• a lotus flower with a specific number of petals

• a characteristic color

• a mantra

• a yantra or a geometric shape

• an animal symbol

Each chakra also has a psychological aspect which influences behavior, thoughts and emotional patterns. Rishi Vivekananda in his book Practical Yoga Psychology states, “Mooladhara chakra deals in general with one’s personal security, with getting and keeping money and material possessions, and some say with the aspect of sexuality or reproducing progeny.

Swadhisthana chakra deals with joy, humor, the enjoyment of sexuality and seeking pleasure in general.

Manipura chakra deals with personal power, dynamic action to getting things done, self-esteem.

Anahata chakra, the heart chakra, deals with love, compassion, emotions and other feelings.

Vishuddhi chakra, among a number of things, deals with communication and interpersonal relationships.

Ajna chakra deals with intellect, intuition, wisdom, certain higher powers and psychic abilities.”

Evolving through the 7 chakras

The chakras are often viewed as a pathway, starting at Mooladhara and finishing at Sahasrara, for evolving awareness and consciousness. It is said that Mooladhara is the first (and lowest) centre in a human incarnation, whereas in animals it is the highest centre. There are chakras existing below Mooladhara; however, they are present only in animals. They don’t exist in humans because they have been transcended.

In humans, the lower centers become Mooladhara and Swadhisthana from where the qualities of security and sexuality arise. The higher centers are the more refined human qualities of love, communication, intuition and intellect.

It is common to think of the chakras from low to high not only the vertical plane but also in terms of consciousness.

Evolution in your own hands

Unlike animals, we have the ability to evolve consciously. By understanding the chakra systems and the qualities of our own chakras we gain insight into our own level of evolution. With yoga we have the gift of being able to develop the varying aspects of the chakras and thus become a more balanced, awake and aware human being.

Swami Satyananda says in Kundalini Tantra, “When the chakras are awakened the mind automatically changes. Your values in life also change and the quality of your love and relationships improve immensely, enabling you to balance out the disappointment and frustrations in life. Therefore you are able to live a little higher than you do now, and your attitude towards yourself and towards this life is much better.

“If awakening of the chakras can bring about unbreakable unity in your family, what more do you need? Frankly, man needs a happy mind and a happy family. It does not matter what he does or what his children are. Does it really matter if there is little to eat? Happiness and inner contentment are above all. And as far as I can see, true contentment can only be gained by a systematic awakening of the chakras.”

Ultimately in yoga we are working with the chakras. Every asana or yoga posture affects a certain chakra. Pranayama, mudras, bandhas, yoga nidra, mantra repetition and meditation all affect the chakras. While each of us is likely to already be dominant in one or two particular chakras, it is not advised to work on developing one particular chakra at a time.


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